Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Happy Birthday, My Friends!!!!

In the midst of writing my horrible , terrible, unbearable, ...(the worst word you can think of), I am taking some time off do what?! Yes, to wish my old and new friends "Happy Birthday". One is my long lost friend who I did not meet for 8 years; another is my coursemate who I know her for only 1 and a half semester.

1 is 8 years - Yeanthing (^^);
1 is 1 1/2 semester - Eileen Deng(^^)

Hey, girls!Happy Birthday! myspace graphic comments

Here, I am wishing you both always youthful and always beautiful!
Sorry I can't talk much about you all now because busy doing lab report!
I heart You both(^^) Best Friends(^^)
Friends Forever!


fufu said...

i wanna do more experiments .... though used to copy and paste the lab report =)

阿Don said...


so young .

happy birthday to them too

I AM A BLOGGER said...

haha, i refer other works as reference. hehe...

they are youthful and gorgeous(^^)