Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back To Basics: The Green Little World with The Fruit of Passion

Oh yeah, I finally returned from the environmental programme. Apart from the packed schedule and tiring presentation preparation, everything was just okay! To be truly, I really am really glad that I join this event because in a actual way, it reminds me of what I once was!

If you remember My Little World original design, it was whole green with my fav green leaves picture. I started my blog going green. But, as time passed by, I am being driven away from this mission. Hahaha, I think complacency will always be an invisible problem!  Anyhow, I think that engineering will change a perspective of a person a bit. However, this environmental programme reminds me that green ideas must be involved with people. Will talk about the programme later (^^)~~ 

So, I hope that everyone will do their parts in going green! How? I bet we know all the basics, but, are you going to do it? That will always be a problem! I practice 3R myself. So, a small step of a large community means a huge step for the world! Remember that (^^)~~~


The cycle of life is really unique, right? Seeing the growth of this Passion fruit really enlighten my day! Hahaha, go green, plant trees (^^)

Love Nature! Love Our Earth !



AJ said...

wei,i change my blog link address d :) go and renew la if u following my blog sorry for the inconvenient leh

fufu said...

nice flower!!!!

I AM A BLOGGER said...

[AJ] Y suddenly change link geh???? ok, updating..hahaha, u oso keep supporting my blog

[Fufu] hahahahah, nice fruit too~~^^

Anonymous said...

Wow! So green! Nice!

Duncan Kon said...

great :)

Pete said...

Green, I love the outdoor colour...

AZ said...


发白日梦^^ said...

wat is 3R?
but the passion fruit love shape look nice here^_^!!

I AM A BLOGGER said...

[Joshua] Thanks^^

[Dun_K] hahahaha, thanks^^

[Pete] Yeah, go Green^^

[狮子蛋卷]我还没有机会吃到, 还很青~原来, 它也是爱情果~号特别!

[发白日梦^^] hahahaa, the normal 1 we heard - reuse, recycle and reduce~~~ add another 1 refuse~~
Yup, in love with the love shape thre^^