Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Cruel World for The Cats

In the eyes of the cats, the world is becoming crueler and colder by the days. Gone were those days where people were more compassionate towards animals including cats and dogs. To them, humans were their best friend. But, who would have thought that humans would also become their worst enemies (note: not directed to cat lovers and other kind people in the world). 

To be truthful, facebook really opens the eyes of people from all over the world. The 1st ever video on cats' torturing I watched was the high-heel Asian Bi*** killing the poor and defenseless kitten. The whole process was gruesome to watch. Before torturing the poor kitten, she was hugging it. The next thing, she was stepping her sharp heels into the poor kitten' body. Isn't this a horrific scene to see??? It was like piercing through my body. Imagine you are in the kitten's position!!!!! Until today, I don't know whether they caught her or not~~~

Then, just recently, another tragedy happened in Serdang. Yes, just near my place, this is so heartbreaking!!!!! The girl was stomping 3 kittens to death. The helpless mother of the kitten must have been devastated seeing her babies dying in front of her(><)!!!!!! Later, facebook users located her and she came out and apologised. I wondered why she did that at the 1st place~ !!!!! Think before you act!!!!!~~


About a year ago, a black cat gave birth to 3 pretty kittens at my neighbour's house. But, she was being chased away and landed at my place. My sis and I sympathised them and gave them water, food, a nice cardboard for them to stay. Before I could "kidnap" one of them, black mama took them away(><) Hope that they are living a better life! Look at them! Aren't they cute? HOW COULD PEOPLE BE THAT CRUEL!!!!(><)

Appreciate life! Don't just simply kill! Don't torture them as Earth is their homes tooo!!!!!~~~
PS: Currently facing huge workloads! But, the horrible event woke up me and reminded me not to forget how the World spins~~~


Bravebear said...

I am quite sure it is a phenomena that existed long time ago and only recorded or made as an issue recently.

Wei Han said...

Killed three kittens to death, and well, compensate with just one apology? As if it helps, she jz killed 3 kittens.
We could have killed her, and then just say sorry to her.

CazzyCazz a.k.a Micz said...

aiyoh, i hope those kittens that went MIA are all safe and sound.... :(

Chris said...

She is so crude~

Ken Wooi said...

cruel world for the human too, somehow :/

I AM A BLOGGER said...

[bravebear] yup, at least the world will know the truth of the world~~

[Wei Han]. Yalor, simply bunuh saja~~gila punya~~ no nid to say sorry to her ~~~

[cazzy] yup, hopefully they are fine....

[Chris] yalor, so easy to take lives. ~~